MathMakesArt is the name of this website, and it is also the pseudonym which I use for my NFT-related activities.
I am a programmer and digital artist who is minting, selling, and collecting NFTs.
I primarily operate on the Tezos blockchain, specifically on Hic Et Nunc, but I am also working on a project for the Art Blocks platform on Ethereum.
Primary Listings
Sold directly by me. Whenever I list a new piece of art, it is first added to this list.
Secondary Market
Sold by collectors. When a primary listing becomes sold out, it is moved here.
I earn a royalty on secondary sales, typically the default value of 10 percent.
Unlisted Art
Not for sale.
If you want to buy an unlisted piece, please contact me on Twitter.

TUTORIAL: Erigon (Ethereum) Archive Node on Raspberry Pi 4
How to Create your own JEKETNUNC Website
Monthly Report (March 2021)
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